جایزه مقاله برتر جوانان WASWAC (YOPA)

 | تاریخ ارسال: 1399/5/10 | 
WASWAC Youth Outstanding Paper Award (YOPA)
The award is named as WASWAC Youth Outstanding Paper Award (YOPA) http://www.waswac.org/waswac/Awards/oypaward/A590505index_1.htm. It is for the youth scientists under 40 years old only (born after Jan 1, 1980), and it is donated by Beijing Datum Technology Development Company.

Announcement of 
WASWAC Youth Outstanding Paper Award (DATUM) 2021
To encourage early-career scientists to contribute to soil and water conservation in the world, the WASWAC has held the WASWAC Youth Outstanding Paper Award three times since 2015. The fourth award in 2021 will be presented at the Third International Youth Forum on Soil and Water Conservation (IYFSWC), which will be held from May 16 to 21, 2021 in Iran (Tehran-Capital and Noor City on Caspian Sea Shore).  The application for the award is open from now.
This award will be presented to early-career scientists of outstanding research papers on soil and water conservation. The award consists of a Certificate from the WASWAC and a $1000 (USD) honorarium. In the case of multi-author papers, the award will be presented only to the first author. The WASWAC Youth Outstanding Paper Award (DATUM) 2021 is financially supported by the Beijing Datum Technology Company. 
  • The first author of the manuscript should be in their early career in research. In principle, preference will be given to scientists who are not beyond 40 years old (born after Jan 1, 1980). 
  • The papers should have creativity and originality, as reflected in new insights, interpretations, facts, innovations, methods, or applications.
  • The papers should be written in English and should be clear, concise, comprehensible, and jargon-free, such that the papers are easy to read and understand.
  • The papers submitted for consideration for the award should not have been previously published, and the authors should submit the paper with an oral presentation at the third International Youth Forum on Soil and Water Conservation (IYFSWC)
  • The award papers must be submitted to the International Soil and Water Conservation Research (ISWCR) which is the official journal of WASWAC and SCIE indexed (IF 3.770) (http://www.keaipublishing.com/en/journals/international-soil-and-water-conservation-research/). The final publishing will go through peer reviewing follow the journal publishing procedures and rules.
  • The previous awardees in 2015, 2016, and 2018 are ineligible for the award in 2021.
  • Application: The author should submit the abstract along with the application form duly completed by October 15, 2020. The full paper must be submitted on or before December 31, 2020.
  • Nomination and Peer-review process: The Award Committee will screen and nominate the research papers that will undergo the peer-review process by the experts.
  • Evaluation and selection: Based on the results of the peer-review process, the Award Committee will select the Outstanding Youth Paper Awardees.
Significant Dates:
Paper abstract: January 31, 2021
Submission of application form + Submission of Full paper: January 31, 2021
Nomination announcement: March 30, 2021
Final awardees announcement: May 2021

Application procedure:
Send your application form, abstract/full paper to the application directly to:
All applications and full papers will be managed by the Award Secretary in Iran.
For more information please visit
or http://www.waswac.org.cn/
Dr. Paige Chyu,  iswcrfoxmail.com
Dr. Abdulvahed Khaledi Darvishan, vahedkhalediyahoo.com

Appendix: WASWAC Outstanding Youth Paper Award Application form

Announcement and Application Form

10 top selected papers will be published in International Soil and Water Conservation Research (ISWCR) after making the corrections based on the reviewers comments.

Full paper should refer to the guide for author of ISWCR:

دفعات مشاهده: 978 بار   |   دفعات چاپ: 309 بار   |   دفعات ارسال به دیگران: 0 بار   |   0 نظر